Friday, February 8, 2013

Evaluator Put into Practice

This week I was able to put into practice skills gained as a Toastmasters Evaluator.  The situation was tense when an employee became vocally loud with his frustrations.  The inexperienced Karen would have viewed this as a confrontation and would have run from the situation. Karen Staebell, CC, CL, listened to the words of the employee, evaluated the message and calmly spoke with that individual about the challenging changes before him.

I am on friendly terms with someone who very easily could have become resentful of my presence. Trust has been built through the act of listening and calm response.

Thank you, Eastside Madison Toastmasters.  Thank you Toastmasters around the world.  You have helped me become the leader I want to be.  I have more to learn, but this week I felt proud that I could help prevent a melt down and gain the trust of a potentially contentious individual.  I felt more than proud, in fact, I felt very happy.

Karen Staebell CC, CL